We request that all talks be presented in electronic
form if possible. Please submit your talk to the
conference secretariat
by Friday, November 8. You can send the
talk as an e-mail attachment or post the talk on
the web and let us know the URL.
Your talk
should be submitted in a format such that it can be
displayed at the conference: i.e. in either
Powerpoint format or PDF format.
Multiple formats may be submitted (for example, Powerpoint
and PDF), and other formats are welcome as well.
So, for example, if one uses Open Office you should feel
free to submit that file as well as a PDF version.
At the discretion of the organizers,
all submitted formats will be made available from the
workshop website, so do not submit formats that you do
not want to give others access to.
We will not post your talk to the website until after you
have given your talk. You should feel free to update
your talk as often as necessary, so you may submit an
initial version early and then send us updates as you
make changes. We will post your talk on a "speakers
only" website so that you can verify we have the correct
current version of your talk.